Miss Rebekah took us to Scotland on our first trip of the third season of Around the World! Watch the show here. You can request the book Scotland here. She also shared this super-funny story The Loch Mess Monster.
The country of Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom since 1707. The people of Scotland last voted on the issue of independence in 2014. The majority of citizens voted to stay part of the U.K. The voting age was lowered to 16 from 18 for this referendum. The majority of the 16 and 17-year-olds (71%) voted for Scottish independence.
Halloween is a bigger deal in Scotland compared to England. That is because the holiday can be traced back to the Celtic celebration of Samhain, meaning "the end of summer." Children in Scotland carve turnips like we carve pumpkins in the United States. These Halloween decorations are called neeps. The modern custom of Trick or Treating and the game Bobbing for Apples can be traced back to Scotland, too.
Many people think of the Legend of the Loch Ness Monster when they think of Scotland. They also think of bagpipes and kilts. There is so much more to Scotland as well!
On the Isle of Lewis, you can visit the Calanias Standing Stones. These monoliths are more than 5,000 years old!
FAKE photo of the Loch Ness Monster |
Scottish teens |
Scottish kids who will become teens |
carved neep for Halloween |
Duncasbay |
Calanais Standing Stones |
Glasgow, the Clyde Arc |