Miss Rebekah Visits Italy

Watch Miss Rebekah's trip to Italy!   Borrow the book Italy by placing a hold on it hereThe book Volcanoes can be reserved here.

Italy is famous for art, architecture, food, shopping, history, and more.  

The city of Florence is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance.  The Renaissance was a time of great achievements and changes in European culture, science, and religion  It occurred from about 1450 to 1520.  Artists such as da Vinci and Michaelangelo worked during this time.   

If you like pizza or gelato, you can thank the Italians!  They invented both of these delicious foods!  

The colors of the Italian flag are white, green, and red.  They represent three virtues:  white = faith, green = hope, and red = charity.

The city of Venice is made of 120 islands.  It is famous for its canals and bridges. 

The Italian alphabet consists of 21 letters only. The letters j, k, w, x, and y are not part of the Italian alphabet.  

There are more than 4,700 species of animals that are ONLY found in Italy!

Mt. Etna 



Island of Elba



Italian wolf