Miss Rebekah Visits Japan

Japan is a country in which ancient traditions exist right beside the newest high-tech inventions.  Miss Rebekah read the book JapanReserve it here.

She also read My Baseball Book by Gail Gibbons.  It is YOUR baseball book, too!  Check it out from the library.  Put a hold on it today!

Because of COVID-19 it is a good idea to rethink traveling to Japan at this time.  But you might want to go someday!  The Olympics will be held there this year.  Tune in this summer to learn even more about this beautiful and unique country, full of friendly people.  

Watch the show here!

bamboo grove in Arashiyama @ortegasam91

hiking in the snow @tentar.non.nuoce634

lunch in Tokyo  @NAO

octopus at fish market in Tokyo @ortegasam91
crepes in Harajuku @NAO
bird's eye view of Toyko @tomo_R2