Visit Kenya again with Miss Rebekah, watch the show here!
Kenya is the world's 29th most populated country, located on the eastern side of the continent of Africa.
Hunting is illegal in Kenya. Rodeos and animal fights are also banned.
Education is free in Kenya. Children who live near cities like Nairobi go to schools that are very similar to yours. Many kids do not go to school because they are busy helping their families, tending to farms, animals and getting water. That doesn't mean they aren't learning though, they are just learning different things and in different ways. For these village children, storytelling and music are a big part of learning. Stories and lessons are passed down orally.
The Maasai people are an ethnic group living in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Many Maasai live in villages and many also live in cities. Do you see why we can't ever say, "ALL Kenyans do this..." or "ALL Americans like this..." Kenya is a diverse and beautiful country, with diverse and beautiful people, just like the USA!
Read the book Kenya at home!
Put the book, African Savanna, on hold right here.
bush baby, also called galagos |
hunter-gatherers, near Nairobi |
Mt. Kenya
waterfall near the village of Nilothi |
Nairobi |
Kenyan women in Nairobi |
Maasai girl at school |
School band in Nairobi |
Maasai woman and her baby |
Maasai man riding a motorcycle |